Paul Wilson. By legendary music photographer, John Elliot
The Guru of Calm
Paul Wilson is a boy from the bush who, at a tender age, found an affinity with space, silence and the absense of stimuli.
That led to a unique skill of being able to focus his attention wherever he chose.
That is why he became a meditator before most people knew what meditation was. And why he became a meditation teacher in his twenties at the Calm Centre. And wrote books on the topic in his thirties. And toured the world showing people how it could improve their life - if they wanted it to - when he was in his forties.
That's why the media started referring to him as the Guru of Calm in the nineties. Widely.
Rather than being bothered by such lazy journalism, he humbly accepted this tongue-in-cheek honorific - and is now putting it to use in the next chapter of his guru exploits.
(More about this later!)